The Egyptian Pharaoh : Ramesses II in the light of The Holy Bible and The Holy Quran

Ramesses II , the Egyptian Pharaoh 1 was from the time of the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) Points to be noted: His body is estimated to be over 3000 years old. His body was discovered by the Red Sea in 1898. But the Quran is over 1400 years old. Furthermore: No other text tells the story of the Pharaoh and drowning. The Quran narrates the story of pharaoh's drowning and ensures the safety of his body after his death to be a sign to mankind. Professor Maurice Bucaille 2 couldn't believe his own ears and started to wonder: How can a book existed 1400 years ago speak about the mummy that was only found 111 years ago, in 1898? How can that be possible while the ancient Egyptian heritage was discovered only a few decades ago and no one knew about it before? Professor Maurice Bucaille1 sat down pondering on what he was told about the book of Muslims, The Holy Quran while his holy book (The Bible) narrates only the drowning of Pharaoh without saying a...