Only I'm Right? | LOVE in the form of HATE | Islam | Unity

ONLY I'M RIGHT? Nowadays, many people are hating their brothers(in faith) just because their LOVE is more than someone else's LOVE. Don't get me wrong, I'm only talking about the love between two brothers (in faith) I find it very strange when someone mocks his brother(in faith) in the name of religion, in the name of RIGHT and WRONG. The Religion which they should use to get closer to their fellow human beings and love them, sometimes they use the religion to hate someone. It's a very foolish action. Religion (Islam) teaches us to show humanity to each and every human being. Then how come we hate to our own brothers? And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. (Quran - 3:103) Both the group(who are fighting) claims that ONLY they're right. It's not correct. No doubt that both can be right, I'm sharing an example from the past, from the time of the Prophet (P.B.U.H). After the Battle of Ahz...