They too died! | Asif Basra Suicide | Who is God?

It's been four months since I published a blog on Sushant Singh’s suicide , then two months ago I posted about my personal experience when I went to the funeral of my neighbor, who died in a blast . I was going through social media today morning when I’ve seen the news that Asif Basra(a well-known Bollywood actor) died by suicide . It was today when I heard about it. Last night after finishing dinner with my parents, before going to bed I was watching YouTube, It was a VLOG on the Jannatul-Mala , it is a famous graveyard in Saudi Arabia where the greatest personalities of Islamic history was buried. I was thinking that even they have died at a certain time. Nothing can stop death, it catches every single soul. This fear of death again hit me. It is the second or third time when I’m facing this adversity, thinking about death. The first time it really hit me hard but after I started researching these questions, I’m way better now. I’m also a part of this...