Racism and Islam : The George Floyd Case | Islamic view on Racism

Racism and Islam :
The George Floyd Case

What happened with George Floyd?

On the 25th May 2020, a black American by the name of George Floyd was killed in cold-blooded murder by a white American policeman in Minneapolis, USA.

George Floyd, age 46


He had been arrested on suspicion of using a 20$ counterfeit bill to a store. The reason that he was killed was because he was a black person.

The moment when he was Killed:

Policeman killing George Floyd

The white policeman by the name of Derek Chauvin, he put his knee on the throat of the black American George Floyd and when he screamed "Please I cannot breathe". the white policeman continued putting pressure by his knee on the throat of the black man for more than eight minutes and he killed him in cold blood not only that there were three policemen who were colleagues of Derek Sherman who were just watching silently.


This cold-blooded murder has created protests throughout the USA and even outside the USA and other countries regarding racism and the black person was innocent.


Islamic view on Racism:

Throughout the world the Muslims as a whole we are with the black people in this protest and this is completely against humanity and it is also against the teaching of Islam.

Allah says in The Quran, Chapter 49 Verse 13:
"O humankind, indeed We have created you from a single pair of male and female and have divided you into nations and tribes, so that you may recognize each other, not that you may despise each other. Indeed, the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is the person who has taqwa (god-consciousness)."

According to this verse of the Quran,
One human being is not superior to another human being, whether it because of color/skin/wealth/age/gender. The only criteria that makes a human being superior to other is Taqwa/God-consciousness, it is piety, it is righteousness.

Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said in his farewell pilgrimage:

"O humankind you have been created from one pair of Adam and Eve (peace be upon them both) and he said that no Arab is superior to or non-Arab neither is the non-Arab superior to an Arab a white man is not superior to a black man neither is a black man superior to a white man". 

The only reason that differentiates of them is taqwa, it is piety, it is God-consciousness, it is righteousness.

And our beloved Prophet ﷺ was not only a non-racist, non-racist are those people who do not practice racism, but the Prophet was an anti-racist, the anti-racist they fight against racism the non-racist people don't fight against racism.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was one of the first human being who was very much against racism, he was an anti-racist as we know from his Seerah.

We know that when the Prophet (peace be upon him) migrated to Medina and when they build the mosque, he told Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) who was a black Abyssinian slave, he told him to give the Azan (the call for prayer), he chose Bilal, a Black man among everyone.

Furthermore, When he came back to Makkah and when they were victorious, he told the same person, the black Abyssinian slave( may Allah be pleased with him) to give the Adan he chose him in preference to all the other companions. there were many other Arabs of high lineage coming from a royal family many of the companions but he chose a black person this shows that the Prophet peace be upon him did not differentiate between two human beings only because of color.

Allah says in the Quran in Chapter 30 verse 22 :

"And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors."

Allah commands the believers to stand for Justice:

"O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both. So follow not [personal] inclination, lest you not be just." -(4:135)

#BlackLivesMatter  #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd  


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