It's been two years that I'm going through this mess. You'll think, "What Aquib is going through with?". Well, many of you know about it and many don't. There's a doubt whether someone truly knows about my condition or not, but there's absolutely no doubt that Allah knows it and that's all matters for me :) I've been going through this for about two years. Whenever this strikes me, I get very sad because of the pain I receive from it and I start hating life and it's problems but now it's showing me the hidden purpose behind all of this mess. Whenever I thought about it, I always experienced the negative side of it, not the positive. But in all the conditions, the thing which is keeping me alive and motivating me to live tomorrow is HOPE. Hope of Allah. Hope of the Future . And truly saying, there's no true hope except His hope. I always felt why all of this is happening to me, what I have done wrong, untill I realised that it...