The Antidote : Overcome depression with Hope | Sushant Singh Rajput Suicide

June 14, Afternoon,
Every one of us shocked when we heard about the Death of famous Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput. He committed suicide at the age of 34. He was going through clinical depression for very long.

Observation: Why Suicide?
EVERY DAY the media reports news of suicides. A common observation from these reports is that, it is only very rarely that a handicapped person kills himself. Most of the people who die by their own hands are physically quite healthy. There are many reasons, however, for their taking the extreme step of suicide; failure to gain admission to post-graduate courses, or to secure a good job after completing a university education, postponement of promotion, inability to marry the person of one’s choice, depression due to various other social factors.

Who are they?
Most of these people had everything in their favor, including good health. They lacked none of the necessities of life. But because one thing—which seemed of great importance to them—eluded their grasp, they fell prey to such an overwhelming sense of frustration that they decided to end it all.

SUICIDE: Absence of HOPE
One thing—the greatest thing in the world— was absent from all of their lives: hope. Man lives on hope. Where it evades him, life appears so meaningless that he sees no sense in continuing with it. That is when he takes his own life.

Because the present has not been blessed with abundance does not necessarily entail that the future will not change for the better.

All who commit suicide make the mistake of looking only at the present and not at the future. Because the present has not been blessed with abundance does not necessarily entail that the future will not change for the better. If a man contemplating suicide were instead to turn his attention to exploiting his own capabilities and seizing whatever opportunities came his way, it is very likely that he would soon come to possess all those things, absence of which makes him so miserable today.

Ignore the present, hope for a better future:
The man whose gaze is fixed on the present may find much to depress him. It is only when he looks to the future that he will find the courage to act.

What is happening with us? 
We are born and we began to exist. We didn't choose to exist. We spend our short lives here. The journey of our life in this world passes through different and varied experiences. Because of these experiences, consciously or otherwise people begin to think that this present world is for us the real world. Any loss or failure or problems in this world to such a person will appear as final and fatal.

Each one of us repeatedly goes through experiences that lead us to realize our severe limitations. Very often, we do not get what we want. Every now and then, situations arise in our lives that compel us to feel completely helpless. In addition to this fear of loss, sickness, accident, old age and death tell us that we are utterly dependent on a force that is infinitely greater than us, and that without the help of this infinitely superior power, we simply cannot face the challenges of life successfully and will easily fall into despair and hopelessness.

Discovery of God and conviction that He is the All-powerful and that He has a plan for us will remove all kinds of hopelessness from us. In this vast universe, it is God who is man’s support. It is He alone who can help us cross this river of life and lead us to the shore.

-An Islamic Perspective:

Islam preaches that this world is an examination ground where we are being tested for our eligibility for God’s perfect world of Paradise, where there is no failure, loss, sorrow or evil; in fact it is a perfect and eternal world which we all long for. God commands us to face the challenges of this world with courage and patience. The role of patience in the examination of life is that it keeps us steadfast under any and every circumstance. It prevents us from deviating from the right path and going astray. We will find creative solutions to the problems and not hide from them. We will not opt for either negativity or extreme steps of ending our precious life.

Suicide is held illegal in all religions and legal systems of the world. There is a teaching of the Prophet of Islam according to which one who committed suicide would have to face eternal Hell. 

THIS LIFE IS A TEST, Allah says in the Quran:

"We shall certainly test you with fear and hunger, and loss of property, lives, and crops. Give good news to those who endure with fortitude." (2:155)

The above factors should enable us to want to live every moment of our life fully, rather than giving us even for a moment, a thought for ending our life.

And If you loved this Blog, then please share it so that we can save a soul like Sushant.

" whoever saves one life - it is as if he had saved whole mankind."(5:32)

Spirit of Islam, Issue 78
English Monthly, June 2019

Who is Sushant Singh?
Spirit of Islam:

#sushantsinghrajput #depression #suicide #bollywood #spiritofislam #antidote #death #islam #quran #wisdom #hope #peace #love #humanity 


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